Wayne Co. Fire & Rescue Regional Training Facility

Wayne Co. Fire & Rescue Regional Training Facility


Non-Profits & OrganizationsAgricultureBusiness & Professional ServicesGovernment & EducationHealthcareOil & Gas Services

About Us

The Wayne County Regional Training Facility offers training and education to Fire, EMS, and Agricultural communities. In addition, we welcome all Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, and general public to rent our buildings, props, equipment, classrooms, and the auditorium / kitchen. We have 11 supervisors, including the Executive Director and 2 Assistant Directors. 6 Steering Committee members. 52 instructors with a combined 1357 years of firefighting experience and 1343 years of EMS experience. We offer Fire and EMS courses through our chartered programs. We are also offering courses in our newly opened Grain Bin Rescue Prop. Our Professional Development Programs courses will be starting Winter / Spring 2022. We have several partnerships that allow us to offer oil and gas, hazardous materials, and more specialized trainings. So far, in 2021, we have had 5087 people visit or utilize our facility and property; we have hosted 43 different organizations or groups; completed 9 chartered courses with a total of 120 students; our facility and property has been utilized for 1807 hours; our instructors have put in 5851 hours of teaching. We have 21 different props, buildings, or areas available for specialized training. Our auditorium and kitchen are available for event rentals. We would love to give you a tour and talk with you more about possible events and trainings. For more information, please call 330-698-3473.

Printed courtesy of www.woosterchamber.com/ – Contact the Wooster Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
377 W. Liberty Street, Wooster, OH 44691 – (330) 262-5735 – mrothgery@woosterchamber.com